Research Interests
My research area is the ocean's dynamic in the subtropics.
I study all the processes involved in water mass ventilation, assimilation and re-emergence of temperature anomalies and ocean-atmosphere interactions in the oceanic subtropical gyres. I address all these processes within a very large range of temporal and spatial scales. I'm especially interested in the top 1000m of the ocean and their vertical structures, those under direct influence of the atmospheric forcing (and of the climate change ...).
My favorite analysis tools are observations, especially those from the international Argo program, for which I'm the French scientific coordinator since 2013. But to isolate mechanisms and improve our understanding of them, I need to complement these analysis by using other tools like realistic and idealized numerical model simulations.
Social profiles
Twitter: @mazeguillaume
Researcher-ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-5247-2008
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7231-2095
Present position
- National scientific coordinator Argo-France (head of SO Argo-France)
- France representative at the international Argo Steering Team
- Nominated member to the Scientific Board at IUEM
- Elected member to the Board of directors at IUEM